Helen and M'e Julia

Helen and M'e Julia

Friday, January 11, 2008

Leaving for Leadership Camp

We leave tomorrow for the leadership camp. There will not be access to any computers etc., so will be communicating in a week or so - will try and touch base as soon as I am able.
There will be around 230 people at the camp - started taking 3 truckloads of food up there today. I will be giving lectures on animal hubandry (among others) and have just spent time with the district vet. A very interesting women who studied and trained in Moscow.
The group works very well together trying to get child sponsors before school starts on the 21st. I am involved in the interviewing process and will also be teaching conflict resolution at the camp for 8 different age groups. I have a lovely Basotho lady as my paired person who will give the talks with me - we are finishing our preparations today. Should be a very fun and exciting time with all of the kids!!


Anonymous said...

Hi cousin!

So glad to hear you arrived safe and sound, and I hope the luggage isn't far behind. I'm anxious to hear more about your adventure, so I'll be checking in often. Keep safe, and have a wonderful time.


The Hamelins said...

Hey Dr. Douglas:
So glad that you made it safe. Mike and I were wondering how things were going and glad that I decided to check out the Valley Vet site and found this blog. We will definitely be keeping up on your adventure.
Keep safe and have a great time.

Kathy, Mike and Beau Hamelin