Helen and M'e Julia

Helen and M'e Julia

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Circus and Goodbyes

Thursday has passed and I am back in town, all goodbyes said and rooms cleaned- so much work today. Our final Showcase of circus acts was fun and the last day was filled with activities, popcorn, more megameal making and lots of photos. Certificates were passed out and the kids boarded their small buses home. It's been a crazy week trying to entertain, teach and supervise 140 teenagers….and we are all tired.
On the way back through the mountains I saw an unbelievable sight….a real African ceremony in a field….with a large man, central figure smeared in white paste and wearing a grass skirt and large stick, surrounded by people smeared in white on the ground. It was explained to me that these were girls about to go into the mountains for initiation to womanhood, which may include circumcision and the teaching of ancient rites. They are smeared with white and the boys would be smeared in red. Both boys and girls have the option of doing this at around 13 years. All considered, it is really a lot more primitive here than I had even imagined. More later.
Tomorrow we go to Maseru, the capital and get shoes and school supplies for the orphans here as well as dropping off food left over from the camp at the orphanage I am working at in February. A lunch out and a trip to the Internet Café will be a treat. Next week, I will be here for one week with the group to put sponsors and children together- it's the first week of school. And after that, I will be off to Maseru with one other volunteer and left to my own resources.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Maletsatse,
I have just been through your postings to date. It sounds amazing. I hope that you are having fun. Stay safe and keep writing.
Malcolm Macleod