Helen and M'e Julia

Helen and M'e Julia

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Improv Drama and Other Classes

The participants, including groups of primary and secondary school teachers , did classes in the mornings. Classes covered such issues as self esteem, gender roles, drug and alcohol abuse, HIV/AIDS education and grief and loss. In the afternoons, they were taught improv drama by Doug Thicke, the Ottawa volunteer there for the next placement at the Centre. At first reserved, the teens gradually got into the "act" and we saw some good leaders emerge. Music and sports were also in the afternoons and a group specializing in teaching HIV sensitivity and non stigma to teens came to share time and skill, also through role playing and drama. These kids had more access to talent and education in one week most Lesotho children ever do. They all reproted the sessions were excellent and thought provoking.

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